Action Abroad

Action Abroad  2023

The primary objective of St Andrews Action Abroad is to connect with and to raise funds for projects and organisations in the developing world and in so doing, to foster a sense of community spirit within the congregation.  Funds are raised through an Annual Art Exhibition held in the church, a coin trail event, an appeal during the period of Lent and numerous individual donations.  Typically, we raise around £2000 and £3000 every year which is currently donated to the Domboshawa Trust.

Over the years through child sponsorship, we have supported individual children and their communities in Bangladesh and in Honduras.  We have also supported a nursery school in Zanzibar, seed and tool distribution programme in Malawi, various projects in Ethiopia through Partners for Change, Ethiopia, and a church in Libya.

Fund raising takes many forms

Click here for the Vol.2 Autumn 2021 newsletter.
Click here for the previous 2020/2021 newsletter.

A Graduating Class

Domboshawa was established in 1991 through the vision of leading Zimbabwean Christians. Its purpose was to meet the demand for a uniquely Zimbabwean style theological education at university level, which would provide practical ministry training. Domboshawa is an indigenous institution- created by Zimbabweans for leaders of the church in Zimbabwe – and beyond!!’

“Our Vision is to become a centre of excellence in internationally recognised theological education and Christian leadership training.”

“ To Provide biblically faithful, contextually relevant and academically accredited training that produces leaders for churches, Para-church organisations and schools, characterised by conviction, godliness and competence.” 

Currently Domboshawa offers the Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies and Theology in affiliation with the Zimbabwe Open University
§ Supervised Ministry Experience
§ Fellowship groups and more
These programmes together provide a balance of academic and ministry training.

Domboshawa House Theological College, Zimbabwe is supported by the Domboshawa Trust – a registered UK charity: Registration Number 298340

The trustees


Principal, chairman and another trustee in front of students.

1 Q Why support Zimbabwe?  Isn’t the ruling party a corrupt regime?
 A.      Yes, and in the middle of Zimbabwe’s crisis Church leaders have been some of the ruling party’s most outspoken critics and the churches have been crucial in picking up the pieces, in helping those who have had their homes bulldozed, victims of violence and poverty, in binding up the broken hearted.   The church is one of the strongest elements of Zimbabwean civil society and needs our support.

2 Q  Why fund a theological college?
A.  Roy Muzaziwa, the Principal of Dombosahwa House Theological College (DHTC), says that ‘Africa’s biggest need is leaders of integrity who are capable, who fear God, who are trustworthy, and who hate a dishonest gain (Ex 18:21)‘.   The college equips Zimbabwean Christians in leadership and ministry (broadly defined).

3) Q. Why can’t the college support / support itself? 
A.  The college does raise its own funds from fees but these are not enough to cover costs.  It does find donors locally and students help raise money for projects, such as the projected block of classrooms and lecture halls; it rents out rooms in the holidays and uses its mini-bus as a taxi.   But these endeavours are never enough.   The British Trustees try to raise £15,000 each year for the college, but we have struggled in recent years and new sources of giving are always welcome.   Fifteen thousand pounds covers the fees of one overseas student to study in Britain for a year but it makes a significant contribution to running the costs of an African institution teaching 50 plus students a year.   

4) Q. What would partnership mean? 

A. i) We would endeavour to stay informed about developments in the college via the website, the Principal’s annual report, college newsletters;

 ii) Roy Muzaziwa, the college Principal has preached in St Andrews and is happy to do so again.  He could also lead Bible studies and other teaching sessions. 

iii) The college is open to having people visit and keen to make use of their gifts:  teaching, accountancy, computing, library skills, fund raising. 

   Visitors have enrolled in the college for a term or two.  Those visiting would be encouraged to report back.

5) Q. What is the Domboshawa Trust? 
A. It exists simply to support the work of DHTC.  Its currently trustees are:
Rev Malcolm Pritchard (Anglican Minister); Dr Lucy Peppiat, Principal of a theological College; Jack Gilson, former Accountant Tear Fund -retired;  Prof David Maxwell; David Alderson, businessman – engineer; Tinashe Musadaviria, digital media producer.

6) Q. What would AA funds be used for?
A.  They would be used for the upkeep of the college: salaries, bills (telephone, electricity), maintenance etc.  Some donors like them to go towards fees for specific students but it all ends up in the same pot.   

7) Q. Are there any administrative costs? 
A. Not really.  The UK Trustees meet in David Maxwell’s room in Cambridge or church rooms in London.  All trustees pay their own travel costs.  The only admin costs are those involved in money transfer – eg Western Union 1-3%.