
The Gift of Generosity

St. Andrew’s could not fulfil its vision without the generosity of many people who provide their time, talents and financial support. This generosity enables St. Andrew’s to continue to be at the centre of the community. Your giving helps us to carry out our plan for mission and ministry. If you would like to support St. Andrew’s there are several ways of doing this including giving regularly, making a one-off donation, and making a legacy in your Will. You can find the ways to do this below.

Regular Payments

The Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a new way of supporting your church. By giving in this way you help us plan for the future and make our administration simpler.

When you give through the PGS we receive the “Gift Aid tax reclaim” in a matter of days which helps to manage cashflow. You can also sign up to increase your gift in line with inflation each year. If you agree to this then your donations will not be gradually eroded by inflation.

Sign up using the paper form at the back of the church, over the phone (0333 002 1260) or online.

Bank transfer

Standing orders or one-off gifts are very welcome.

Please arrange a bank transfer to the following account:
Account name: Girton PCC
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00015986
Reference: Your Name

Please use your name as the reference to the payment so our treasurer can claim Gift Aid. If you’re setting up a gift for the first time please let the Treasurer know (

Single Online Donations

Please click here to make a one-off donation online.

Gift Aid

If you would like information on making a Gift Aid declaration or if you have any other questions then please contact our treasurer at

Making a legacy

The Church of England has a Church Legacy website. This site provides essential information for individuals considering leaving a “lasting gift” to their local church in their Will.

The website also provides further information on leaving a legacy, example wording for your Will, and information for Solicitors and for PCCs. Church Legacy also shares parish stories where a legacy gift has helped transform a church’s future.

Legacies, of whatever size, are a hugely valuable source of income to parish churches, contributing £44.8 million to parish income in 2011, that’s almost £3,000 per parish church per year.

Eleanor Gill, National Legacy and Funding Officer, said: “Legacies are a fundamental part of Stewardship and our Christian Giving; leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can give thanks to God for the gifts of your life and lifetime.

“The website helps to communicate how gifts in Wills are a lifeline for many of our churches and enable them to grow their church’s ministry to young people, refurbish the kitchen, set up a support group for the community or preserve their historic church bells.”

Thank you so much for your gift; especially in these difficult times.

Page last updated on Saturday 21st October 2023 by Nigel Deacon