Joint service at Madingley – 30th April

We’re very pleased to be joining with our friends in Madingley for a joint service on 30th April. The service starts at 10:30am (not our usual time of 10am).

Please note that there is NO SERVICE in Girton that day.

Our guest preacher for the day is the Revd Dr Michael Volland, Principal of Ridley Hall.

To watch the service online please click here. Please note that the internet connection at Madingley will probably be fine by we apologise in advance if this turns out not to be the case.

We look forward to sharing refreshments after the service too!

Parking for the church is on the right hand side of the drive as you head up towards Madingley Hall. If you would be grateful for a lift to Madingley, please let Christina know and she’ll do her best to arrange it.

If all goes to plan the congregation at Madingley will be coming to join us in Girton on the 5th Sunday in October…

Pews News

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Page last updated on Sunday 30th April 2023 by Michael Bigg