Electoral Roll Revision – 2023

The annual revision of the electoral roll is almost upon us. The official period for revision is Sunday 2nd April to Saturday 23rd April, but you can join any time if you are eligible.

To be eligible for the Electoral Roll you must be:

  • A baptised, lay Christian aged 16 or over
  • AND be
    • A member of the Church of England (or a church in communion with the Church of England) and also live in the parish; OR
    • A member of the Church of England (or a church in communion with the Church of England or which subscribes to the doctrine of the Trinity) who doesn’t live in the parish but who habitually attends St Andrew’s (or would if not prevented by illness or disability)

Paper copies of the application form will be available in the church shortly or you can download one in PDF format or in Microsoft Word format.

Forms can be left in the box in church or delivered to the Electoral Roll officer, Alice Few, at 23 St Margaret’s Road or by email to er@girton.church

The deadline is Saturday 23rd April.

Advance notice: The APCM this year is Sunday 14th May after the 10am service.