Making new friends at Bobtails playgroup

It’s been a year since a team from St Andrew’s took over the running of Bobtails, a weekly playgroup for babies and toddlers with their parents, grandparents and carers in Girton. We meet at the Cotton Hall, next door to the church, on Tuesday mornings in term time for free play, hot drinks, snacks, crafts, songs and Bible stories. With support from the Girton Town Charity we’ve been able to welcome up to 18 families a week, and it’s been lovely to see new friendships forming between adults and children. Caring for babies and young children can be a challenging and lonely experience, and we try to offer a space where people are welcome to come and meet others in a friendly and stimulating environment.

We’re lucky at Bobtails to have a real mix of ages, from newborn babies to retired folk and everything in between. If you’d like to join us, we are always on the lookout for volunteers to help serve refreshments, welcome new arrivals, set out toys or just be around to support the children and the adults who bring them. Speak to Eona, our Children and Families Minister, if you’d like to find out more.

A child plays with coloured rice
We offer sensory play along with toys, crafts, stories and physical activities to help children grow and develop

Page last updated on Saturday 18th February 2023 by Michael Bigg